Error codes returned by PAYCOMET platform.
Below is a list of error codes that payment platform is able to return. The error code description is merely illustrative and should be used to shape the processes of integration and troubleshooting.
If you receive an error code with the description "Unexpected Error" will be appropriate to contact PAYCOMET to track closest to the operation that generated the error.
For more information contact with PAYCOMET thought the Control Panel.
Code | Description |
0 | No error |
1 | Error |
100 | Expired credit card |
101 | Credit card blacklisted or in temporary exception |
102 | Operation not allowed for the credit card type |
103 | Please, call the credit card issuer |
104 | Unexpected error |
105 | Insufficient funds |
106 | Credit card not registered or not logged by the issuer |
107 | Data error. Validation Code |
108 | PAN Check Error |
109 | Expiry date error |
110 | Data error |
111 | CVC2 block incorrect |
112 | Please, call the credit card issuer |
113 | Credit card not valid |
114 | The credit card has credit restrictions |
115 | Card issuer could not validate card owner |
116 | Payment not allowed in off-line authorization |
118 | Expired credit card. Please capture card |
119 | Credit card blacklisted or in temporary exception. Please capture card |
120 | Credit card lost or stolen. Please capture card |
121 | Error in CVC2. Please capture card |
122 | Error en Pre-Transaction process. Try again later. |
123 | Operation denied. Please capture card |
124 | Closing with agreement |
125 | Closing without agreement |
126 | Cannot close right now |
127 | Invalid parameter |
128 | Transactions were not accomplished |
129 | Duplicated internal reference |
130 | Original operation not found. Could not refund |
131 | Expired preauthorization |
132 | Operation not valid with selected currency |
133 | Error in message format |
134 | Message not recognized by the system |
135 | CVC2 block incorrect |
137 | Credit card not valid |
138 | Gateway message error |
139 | Gateway format error |
140 | Credit card does not exist |
141 | Amount zero or not valid |
142 | Operation canceled |
143 | Authentification error |
144 | Denegation by security level |
145 | Error in PUC message. Please contact PayCOMET |
146 | System error |
147 | Duplicated transaction |
148 | MAC error |
149 | Settlement rejected |
150 | System date/time not synchronized |
151 | Invalid card expiration date |
152 | Could not find any preauthorization with given data |
153 | Cannot find requested data |
154 | Cannot operate with given credit card |
155 | This method requires activation of the VHASH protocol |
172 | Operation denied. No repeat |
173 | Denied operation for card data sent |
174 | Operation denied. Do not repeat before 72 hours |
184 | The authentication process was canceled |
195 | Requires SCA authentication |
500 | Unexpected error |
501 | Unexpected error |
502 | Unexpected error |
504 | Transaction already cancelled |
505 | Transaction originally denied |
506 | Confirmation data not valid |
507 | Unexpected error |
508 | Transaction still in process |
509 | Unexpected error |
510 | Refund is not possible |
511 | Unexpected error |
512 | Card issuer not available right now. Please try again later |
513 | Unexpected error |
514 | Unexpected error |
515 | Unexpected error |
516 | Unexpected error |
517 | Unexpected error |
518 | Unexpected error |
519 | Unexpected error |
520 | Unexpected error |
521 | Unexpected error |
522 | Unexpected error |
523 | Unexpected error |
524 | Unexpected error |
525 | Unexpected error |
526 | Unexpected error |
527 | TransactionType unknown |
528 | Unexpected error |
529 | Unexpected error |
530 | Unexpected error |
531 | Unexpected error |
532 | Unexpected error |
533 | Unexpected error |
534 | Unexpected error |
535 | Unexpected error |
536 | Unexpected error |
537 | Unexpected error |
538 | Not cancelable operation |
539 | Unexpected error |
540 | Unexpected error |
541 | Unexpected error |
542 | Unexpected error |
543 | Unexpected error |
544 | Unexpected error |
545 | Unexpected error |
546 | Unexpected error |
547 | Unexpected error |
548 | Unexpected error |
549 | Unexpected error |
550 | Unexpected error |
551 | Unexpected error |
552 | Unexpected error |
553 | Unexpected error |
554 | Unexpected error |
555 | Could not find the previous operation |
556 | Data inconsistency in cancellation validation |
557 | Delayed payment code does not exists |
558 | Unexpected error |
559 | Unexpected error |
560 | Unexpected error |
561 | Unexpected error |
562 | Credit card does not allow preauthorizations |
563 | Data inconsistency in confirmation |
564 | Unexpected error |
565 | Unexpected error |
567 | Refund operation not correctly specified |
568 | Online communication incorrect |
569 | Denied operation |
740 | AFT data validation failed. Wrong type of operation or sector of activity |
741 | AFT data validation failed. The data sent does not meet the specifications |
1000 | Account not found. Review your settings |
1001 | User not found. Please contact your administrator |
1002 | External provider signature error. Contact your service provider |
1003 | Signature not valid. Please review your settings |
1004 | Forbidden access |
1005 | Invalid credit card format |
1006 | Data error: Validation code |
1007 | Data error: Expiration date |
1008 | Preauthorization reference not found |
1009 | Preauthorization data could not be found |
1010 | Could not send cancellation. Please try again later |
1011 | Could not connect to host |
1012 | Could not resolve proxy address |
1013 | Could not resolve host |
1014 | Initialization failed |
1015 | Could not find HTTP resource |
1016 | The HTTP options range is not valid |
1017 | The POST is not correctly built |
1018 | The username is not correctly formatted |
1019 | Operation timeout exceeded |
1020 | Insufficient memory |
1021 | Could not connect to SSL host |
1022 | Protocol not supported |
1023 | Given URL is not correctly formatted and cannot be used |
1024 | URL user is not correctly formatted |
1025 | Cannot register available resources to complete current operation |
1026 | Duplicated external reference |
1027 | Total refunds cannot exceed original payment |
1028 | Account not active. Please contact PayCOMET |
1029 | Account still not certified. Please contact PayCOMET |
1030 | Product is marked for deletion and cannot be used |
1031 | Insufficient rights |
1032 | Product cannot be used under test environment |
1033 | Product cannot be used under production environment |
1034 | It was not possible to send the refund request |
1035 | Error in field operation origin IP |
1036 | Error in XML format |
1037 | Root element is not correct |
1038 | Field DS_MERCHANT_AMOUNT incorrect |
1039 | Field DS_MERCHANT_ORDER incorrect |
1040 | Field DS_MERCHANT_MERCHANTCODE incorrect |
1041 | Field DS_MERCHANT_CURRENCY incorrect |
1042 | Field DS_MERCHANT_PAN incorrect |
1043 | Field DS_MERCHANT_CVV2 incorrect |
1044 | Field DS_MERCHANT_TRANSACTIONTYPE incorrect |
1045 | Field DS_MERCHANT_TERMINAL incorrect |
1046 | Field DS_MERCHANT_EXPIRYDATE incorrect |
1048 | Field DS_ORIGINAL_IP incorrect |
1049 | Client not found |
1050 | Preauthorization amount cannot be greater than previous preauthorization amount |
1099 | Unexpected error |
1100 | Card diary limit exceeds |
1103 | ACCOUNT field error |
1104 | USERCODE field error |
1105 | TERMINAL field error |
1106 | OPERATION field error |
1107 | ORDER field error |
1108 | AMOUNT field error |
1109 | CURRENCY field error |
1110 | SIGNATURE field error |
1120 | Operation unavailable |
1121 | Client not found |
1122 | User not found. Contact PayCOMET |
1123 | Invalid signature. Please check your configuration |
1124 | Operation not available with the specified user |
1125 | Invalid operation in a currency other than product currency |
1127 | Quantity zero or invalid |
1128 | Current currency conversion invalid |
1129 | Invalid amount |
1130 | Product not found |
1131 | Invalid operation with the current currency |
1132 | Invalid operation with a different currency than product currency |
1133 | Info button corrupt |
1134 | The subscription may not exceed the expiration date of the card |
1135 | DS_EXECUTE can not be true if DS_SUBSCRIPTION_STARTDATE is different from today. |
1140 | Can not find any of the PAYTPV_OPERATIONS_TERMINAL |
1141 | Error in the date range requested |
1142 | The application can not have a length greater than 6 months |
1143 | The operation state is incorrect |
1144 | Error in the amounts of the search |
1145 | The type of operation requested does not exist |
1146 | Sort Order unrecognized |
1148 | Subscription start date wrong |
1149 | Subscription end date wrong |
1150 | Frequency error in the subscription |
1151 | Invalid usuarioXML |
1152 | Invalid codigoCliente |
1153 | Invalid usuarios parameter |
1154 | Invalid firma parameter |
1155 | Invalid usuarios parameter format |
1156 | Invalid type |
1157 | Invalid name |
1158 | Invalid surname |
1159 | Invalid email |
1160 | Invalid password |
1161 | Invalid language |
1162 | Invalid maxamount |
1163 | Invalid multicurrency |
1165 | Invalid permissions_specs. Format not allowed |
1166 | Invalid permissions_products. Format not allowed |
1167 | Invalid email. Format not allowed |
1168 | Weak or invalid password |
1169 | Invalid value for type parameter |
1170 | Invalid value for language parameter |
1171 | Invalid format for maxamount parameter |
1172 | Invalid multicurrency. Format not allowed |
1173 | Invalid permission_id – permissions_specs. Not allowed |
1174 | Invalid user |
1175 | Invalid credentials |
1176 | Account not found |
1177 | User not found |
1178 | Invalid signature |
1179 | Account without products |
1180 | Invalid product_id - permissions_products. Not allowed |
1181 | Invalid permission_id -permissions_products. Not allowed |
1185 | Minimun limit not allowed |
1186 | Maximun limit not allowed |
1187 | Daily limit not allowed |
1188 | Monthly limit not allowed |
1189 | Max amount (same card / last 24 h.) not allowed |
1190 | Max amount (same card / last 24 h. / same IP address) not allowed |
1191 | Day / IP address limit (all cards) not allowed |
1192 | Country (customer IP address) not allowed |
1193 | Card type (credit / debit) not allowed |
1194 | Card brand not allowed |
1195 | Card Category not allowed |
1196 | Authorization from different country than card issuer, not allowed |
1197 | Denied. Filter: Card country issuer not allowed |
1198 | Scoring limit exceeded |
1199 | Week / IP address limit (all cards) not allowed |
1200 | Denied. Filter: same card, different country last 24 h. |
1201 | Number of erroneous consecutive attempts with the same card exceeded |
1202 | Number of failed attempts (last 30 minutes) from the same ip address exceeded |
1203 | Wrong or not configured credentials |
1204 | Wrong token received |
1205 | Can not perform the operation |
1206 | ProviderID not available |
1207 | Operations parameter missing or not in a correct format |
1208 | PaycometMerchant parameter missing |
1209 | MerchatID parameter missing |
1210 | TerminalID parameter missing |
1211 | TpvID parameter missing |
1212 | OperationType parameter missing |
1213 | OperationResult parameter missing |
1214 | OperationAmount parameter missing |
1215 | OperationCurrency parameter missing |
1216 | OperationDatetime parameter missing |
1217 | OriginalAmount parameter missing |
1218 | Pan parameter missing |
1219 | ExpiryDate parameter missing |
1220 | Reference parameter missing |
1221 | Signature parameter missing |
1222 | OriginalIP parameter missing or not in a correct format |
1223 | Authcode / errorCode parameter missing |
1224 | Product of the operation missing |
1225 | The type of operation is not supported |
1226 | The result of the operation is not supported |
1227 | The transaction currency is not supported |
1228 | The date of the transaction is not in a correct format |
1229 | The signature is not correct |
1230 | Can not find the associated account information |
1231 | Can not find the associated product information |
1232 | Can not find the associated user information |
1233 | The product is not set as multicurrency |
1234 | The amount of the transaction is not in a correct format |
1235 | The original amount of the transaction is not in a correct format |
1236 | The card does not have the correct format |
1237 | The expiry date of the card is not in a correct format |
1238 | Can not initialize the service |
1239 | Can not initialize the service |
1240 | Method not implemented |
1241 | Can not initialize the service |
1242 | Service can not be completed |
1243 | OperationCode parameter missing |
1244 | bankName parameter missing |
1245 | csb parameter missing |
1246 | userReference parameter missing |
1247 | Can not find the associated FUC |
1248 | Duplicate xref. Pending operation. |
1249 | [DS_]AGENT_FEE parameter missing |
1250 | [DS_]AGENT_FEE parameter is not in a correct format |
1251 | DS_AGENT_FEE parameter is not correct |
1252 | CANCEL_URL parameter missing |
1253 | CANCEL_URL parameter is not in a correct format |
1254 | Commerce with secure cardholder and cardholder without secure purchase key |
1255 | Call terminated by the client |
1256 | Call terminated, incorrect attempts exceeded |
1257 | Call terminated, operation attempts exceeded |
1258 | stationID not available |
1259 | It has not been possible to establish the IVR session |
1260 | merchantCode parameter missing |
1261 | The merchantCode parameter is incorrect |
1262 | terminalIDDebtor parameter missing |
1263 | terminalIDCreditor parameter missing |
1264 | Authorisations for carrying out the operation not available |
1265 | The Iban account (terminalIDDebtor) is invalid |
1266 | The Iban account (terminalIDCreditor) is invalid |
1267 | The BicCode of the Iban account (terminalIDDebtor) is invalid |
1268 | The BicCode of the Iban account (terminalIDCreditor) is invalid |
1269 | operationOrder parameter missing |
1270 | The operationOrder parameter does not have the correct format |
1271 | The operationAmount parameter does not have the correct format |
1272 | The operationDatetime parameter does not have the correct format |
1273 | The operationConcept parameter contains invalid characters or exceeds 140 characters |
1274 | It has not been possible to record the SEPA operation |
1275 | It has not been possible to record the SEPA operation |
1276 | Can not create an operation token |
1277 | Invalid scoring value |
1278 | The language parameter is not in a correct format |
1279 | The cardholder name is not in a correct format |
1280 | The card does not have the correct format |
1281 | The month does not have the correct format |
1282 | The year does not have the correct format |
1283 | The cvc2 does not have the correct format |
1284 | The JETID parameter is not in a correct format |
1288 | The splitId parameter is not valid |
1289 | The splitId parameter is not allowed |
1290 | This terminal don't allow (split) transfers |
1291 | It has not been possible to record the (split) transfer operation |
1292 | Original payment's date cannot exceed 90 days |
1293 | Original (split) tansfer not found |
1294 | Total reversal cannot exceed original (split) transfer |
1295 | It has not been possible to record the (split) transfer reversal operation |
1296 | uniqueIdCreditor parameter missing |
1297 | Bank account still not certified. |
1298 | companyNameCreditor parameter missing. |
1299 | Invalid companyTypeCreditor parameter. |
1300 | Invalid swiftCodeCreditor parameter. |
1301 | The number of operations per request has been exceeded. |
1302 | Denied. Filter same IP last 24 hours. |
1303 | Denied. Max amount same IP last 24 hours. |
1304 | The account isn't set up correctly. |
1305 | merchantCustomerId parameter missing. |
1306 | Invalid merchantCustomerIban parameter. |
1307 | fileContent parameter missing. |
1308 | Invalid document extension. |
1309 | The document exceeds the maximum file size. |
1310 | Invalid document type. |
1311 | Different IP / Reference limit not allowed |
1312 | SEPA Credit Transfer denied |
1313 | There is not payment_info |
1314 | Bank account type is not IBAN |
1315 | No documents found |
1316 | Error uploading documents |
1317 | Error downloading documents |
1318 | Required documentation is not complete |
1319 | Not allowed. Currency is not EUR |
1320 | Invoice state is not COMPLETE |
1321 | The exception sent is not enabled |
1322 | Challenge required to complete the operation |
1323 | The mandatory information of the MERCHANT_DATA has not been sent |
1324 | The DS_USER_INTERACTION parameter is not valid |
1325 | Challenge required and user not present |
1326 | Denial by security controls on the processor |
1327 | 3DS authentication process error |
1328 | Parameter error: must be EMAIL or SMS |
1329 | Email sending failed |
1330 | SMS sending failed |
1331 | Template not found |
1332 | Maximum requests per minute reached |
1333 | Phone number not configured for Sandbox SMS sending |
1334 | Email address not configured for Sandbox email sending |
1335 | DS_MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER parameter missing |
1336 | DS_MERCHANT_IDENTIFIER parameter is not correct |
1337 | Wrong or not configured notification URL |
1338 | Notification URL does not have the correct response |
1339 | Invalid terminal configuration |
1340 | Payment method not available |
1341 | Bizum. Authentication failed. Lock after three attempts. |
1342 | Bizum. Transaction cancelled. The user does not wish to continue. |
1343 | Bizum. Payment rejected by beneficiary. |
1344 | Bizum. Charge rejected by originator. |
1345 | Bizum. The processor rejects the operation. |
1346 | Bizum. Insufficient available balance. |
1351 | PSD2: BillAddrCountry field not included with supplied billAddrState |
1352 | PSD2: ShipAddrCountry field not included with supplied shipAddrState |
1353 | PSD2: BillAddrCountry field must be in ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 format |
1354 | PSD2: BillAddrState field must be in ISO 3166-2 format |
1355 | PSD2: ShipAddrCountry field must be in ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 format |
1356 | PSD2: ShipAddrState field must be in ISO 3166-2 format |
1360 | PSD2: MERCHANT_SCA_EXCEPTION field with incorrect value |
1361 | PSD2: MERCHANT_TRX_TYPE not supplied required with MERCHANT_SCA_EXCEPTION = MIT |
1362 | PSD2: MERCHANT_TRX_TYPE field with incorrect value |
1363 | PSD2: Mandatory purchaseInstalData, recurringExpiry, and recurringFrequency fields in Instalment operation (MERCHANT_TRX_TYPE = I) |
1364 | PSD2: Mandatory purchaseInstalData, recurringExpiry, and recurringFrequency fields in Recurring operation (MERCHANT_TRX_TYPE = R) |
1365 | PSD2: The purchaseInstalData value must be greater than 1 |
1366 | PSD2: The recurringExpiry value must be in the format YYYYMMDD |
1367 | When the same card has several payments in "flight" at the time that one is finalized, the rest are denied with this code. This restriction is for security. |
1400 | Bizum could not authenticate user |
1417 | PayPal - The instrument presented has been declined. Please select another one. |
1418 | PayPal - The sum of the amount of the cart items doesn't match the order total amount. |
1419 | shoppingCart[].name parameter required |
1420 | shoppingCart[].quantity parameter required. |
1421 | shoppingCart[].unitPrice parameter required. |
1422 | shipping.shipAddrCountry parameter required. |
1423 | shipping.shipAddrCity parameter required. |
1424 | shipping.shipAddrPostCode parameter required. |
1425 | PayPal - Operation cancelled by user. |
1450 | Refund card does not match the authorization one |
1451 | paycometId parameter missing |
1452 | Operations between sandbox and production environments are not allowed |
1453 | Previous operation not found. Cancellation could not be executed |
1454 | Previous operation already canceled |
1455 | Wrong message format |
1456 | System error |
1457 | Resolver Center not available. Local authorization |
1458 | Duplicate 1X2X message received (another message with the same RTS has already been processed) |
1459 | Cancellation is not accepted. The HCP did not find the operation to be canceled |
1460 | Collection rejected. Not found any of the original operations referenced |
1461 | Wrong MAC |
1462 | Received 1200 to an operation already canceled which was answered with 914 or 481 |
1463 | Session not allowed |
1464 | Reception at the HCP of a communication message (1X2X) when a previous one is still being processed (1X2X/X) |
1465 | Date and time not synchronized |
1466 | Expiration Date of the card does not coincide with the one that the Issuer has on file |
1467 | Violation of existing regulations to perform a local authorization |
1468 | Existing rule violation to make a refund |
1469 | Message response timed out |
1470 | Timeout error when performing a communication test (1804) |
1471 | A timeout has occurred in command execution |
1472 | All messaging retries have failed |
1473 | The specified EndPointWorker does not exist |
1474 | Failed to stop worker |
1475 | Number of PIN attempts exceeded |
1476 | Mandatory PIN |
1477 | Wrong PIN |
1478 | Wrong PIN Block |
1479 | Denied. Operation with clear card data in SNCP merchant |
1480 | Card not supported by the system |
1481 | Denied for various reasons |
1482 | Denied. It is not possible to verify authentication by Reference |
1483 | Denied. Authentication amount exceeded |
1484 | Repeat operation with CHIP reading, using contacts, or double TAP plus PIN |
1485 | Repeat operation with CHIP reading, using contacts, or request PIN only |
1486 | Call the issuer |
1487 | Transactional identifiers data not found |
1488 | TransactionId do not match |
1489 | Card on Black List or suspected of fraud, include in Black List file |
1490 | Blacklisted or suspected fraud card |
1495 | Cancellation not allowed. Authorization already refunded |
30000 | Undefined |
30001 | Missing parameter |
30002 | Validation failed |
30005 | Method is invalid |
30008 | Language is invalid |
30020 | MerchantTransactionID is duplicated |
30100 | Currency is invalid |
30101 | Customer email is missing |
30102 | Customer email is invalid |
30116 | Customer phone is missing |
30117 | Customer phone is invalid |
30118 | Amount invalid |
30120 | Country code is invalid |
30123 | Invalid customer details |
30124 | Invalid bank details |
30126 | Customer name is invalid |
30127 | Site ID is missing |
30128 | Article is missing |
30129 | Article is invalid |
30131 | Customer gender is invalid |
30132 | Customer shipping address is invalid |
30133 | Customer billing address is invalid |
30134 | Another refund is already in process |
30136 | Customer ID is invalid |
30137 | Address ID is invalid |
30138 | Card token is invalid |
30140 | Invalid offset |
30141 | Invalid limit |
30142 | Invalid custom parameter |
30143 | Missing parameter MethodID |
30146 | Invalid merchant site |
30149 | User details are invalid |
30150 | DateTime is invalid |
30151 | MerchantTransactionID is invalid |
30152 | Refund type is invalid |
30153 | Payment type is invalid |
30155 | Reference number is invalid |
30156 | Reference number is duplicated |
30162 | The shipping address of the customer does not match with the billing address |
30164 | Customer date of birth is invalid |
30165 | Customer first name is missing |
30166 | Customer last name is missing |
30167 | Billing address1 is missing |
30168 | Billing address2 is missing |
30169 | Billing zip code is missing |
30170 | Billing city is missing |
30171 | Billing city is invalid |
30172 | Billing zip code is invalid |
30173 | Billing country is missing |
30174 | Company name is missing |
30175 | Invalid article for country |
30180 | SortBy is invalid |
30181 | SortDirection is invalid |
30182 | Invalid pageSize |
30183 | Invalid pageIndex |
30184 | PageIndex Out of Range |
30187 | Customer name is missing |
30188 | Customer CPF / CNPJ is missing |
30189 | Customer CPF / CNPJ is invalid |
30191 | MerchantSite inactive |
30192 | MerchantSite Api Key does not match |
30206 | Customer identification required |
30207 | Customer limit on operations exceeded |
30209 | Unable to determine mobile operator |
30210 | Transaction already payed |
30212 | Description parameter is invalid |
30214 | Incorrect Street Address |
30216 | Customer did not complete the purchase |
30217 | Transaction not completed |
30220 | Customer Phone Region not allowed |
30245 | Communication error with the Bank. Pease submit the request again. |
30249 | Duplicate mandate reference |
30251 | Forbidden IBAN |
30252 | Invalid account owner |
30253 | Mandate signature failed |
30263 | Duplicate order |
30265 | Incomplete request data |
30266 | Invalid BIC |
30267 | Invalid IBAN |
30268 | Multiple requests to provider with the same mandate |
30272 | Allowed time for transaction has expired |
30275 | User did not enter a PIN or TAN (timeout) |