Call POS integration

  1. Introduction
  2. Generate seller users
  3. Point of sale panel
    1. Generate payment form
  4. Configure operation notifications
  5. Consultation of operations

1. Introduction

With Call POS you will be able to securely charge by phone while talking to your client in an agile and simple way. Through the sales panel you can enter the customer's card details and pay in a secure environment.

For the sale process, the merchant must access through the following link:

2. Generate seller users

The account administrator will access in the PAYCOMET Panel the section (Configuration -> Users.)

{{ __('Call TPV la solución PAYCOMET') }}

Next, we will click on 'Create user', which will show us the following form to fill out:

{{ __('Call TPV la solución PAYCOMET') }}
  • Name: Seller's name

  • Surname: Seller's surname

  • Email: Seller's email (to access the Call POS Sales Panel)

  • Password: Seller password (to access the Call POS Sales Panel)

  • Limit per operation: Maximum amount that the seller is allowed to send in an SMS / Email

  • Multi-currency: Whether or not the seller is allowed to launch operations in different currencies

  • Comments: Free text

  • Language: Language of the sales panel for the seller

In the second step, the type of profile "IVR" must be selected and the "Communication with support" box must be activated.

{{ __('Call TPV la solución PAYCOMET') }}
  • Communication with support: Whether or not the seller is allowed to contact technical support

In the third step, the different terminals where the newly created user can operate can be assigned. In addition, you can also activate the "Manual collection" and "Returns" boxes.

{{ __('Call TPV la solución PAYCOMET') }}
  • Charge manualy: Whether or not the seller is allowed to manually collect a transaction

  • Refunds: Whether or not the seller is allowed to refunds

3. Point of sale panel

3.1. Generate payment form

When you enter the Call POS Point of Sale Panel, the payment form will open.

Step 1: Type of payment

In the drop-down menu, we will select from which merchant we want the payment to be sent (in the event that the client has different merchants). In addition, we will choose what type of payment (authorization / pre-authorization) and the order number.

{{ __('Call TPV la solución PAYCOMET') }}
  • Type of payment: In the 'Authorization' the operation will be carried out at the time, instead, in the 'Preauthorization', the operation will require subsequent confirmation. (This functionality must be enabled, by default it will be authorization)

  • Order number: We will enter the 'order number' related to the payment and the 'order description' (optional).

Step 2: Customer details

Then we can fill in the client's information, with his name, email and telephone number. In addition, we can also enter a description of the order (optional)

{{ __('Call TPV la solución PAYCOMET') }}
Step 3: Payment details

In the last section we will introduce the amount and type of currency of the operation.

{{ __('Call TPV la solución PAYCOMET') }}

Finally, we have to fill in the card details with the card number, the expiration date and the CVC

4. Configure operation notifications

Through the PAYCOMET control panel we access (Terminals->"Terminal name"->Notifications)

{{ __('Call TPV la solución PAYCOMET') }}

First, we can choose the 'Type of payment notification' that we want to receive once it is effective:

  • No payment notification

  • Notification by URL

  • Notification by Email

  • Notification by URL and Email

Depending on the option chosen, the different fields will appear to fill in:

{{ __('Call TPV la solución PAYCOMET') }}

In this way, the customer will receive the answer about whether the payment has been successful or not after the payment page:

5. Consultation of operations

Through the PAYCOMET control panel we access ("Operations"). In this section, we can check all the operations that we have sent and their status.

To do the search, we will have to fill in different sections as it suits us:

{{ __('Call TPV la solución PAYCOMET') }}
  • Start date / time and End date / time: We will indicate the range of dates and hours that we want to consult.

  • Reference: In these sections we can search by the 'operation reference', the 'operation concept' or the 'operation number', if we have them.

  • Card: It will help us to check payments made with the same card, entering the first 6 digits and the last 4 digits of the card.

  • Terminals: We will select the product from which we are interested in removing operations. If we want to see the operations of all products, we will select the option 'Select all products'.

  • Type of operation: We will select one or different types of operations.

  • Status: We will select the status of the operations we want to search ('all', 'failed' or 'charged').

  • Currency: We will choose the currency of the operation to be searched.

  • Amount: We will indicate the range of amounts to search (it can be left blank if no specific amount is searched).

  • Payment method: If the client has different alternative payment methods enabled, we can select whether we want to check payments with 'card' or another different method.

  • Scoring: It allows filtering by the scoring of the operations that we want to consult.

After clicking on “Search”, all those operations related to our search will appear, which we can download using the "Download" button located on the right:";

{{ __('Call TPV la solución PAYCOMET') }}

Additionally, if we want to have more information about a specific transaction, we can click on it to access the transaction data or click on "Details":

{{ __('Call TPV la solución PAYCOMET') }}