Operation Notification: Webhook

  1. Operation Notification: Webhook
    1. Email
    2. Request to URL
    3. Operations Gateway
  2. Appendix I – Operation types
  3. Appendix II – Notification IPs

Operation Notification: Webhook

The purchase process is carried out by the payment gateway and the resolution of the operation is returned directly in the response message. However, it is possible to configure through the PAYCOMET customer panel additional notification methods to keep users informed of the operation or launch additional mechanisms.

These notifications are identical to those submitted by other type of payment gateway products such as WEB gateway or telesales. Thus, it is possible for the customer to maintain a unified control of sales made by the business.

You can change your notifications mode on your dashboard, from: Terminals->"Terminal name"->Notifications (please, if you uses a Payment Module, please fill that info with the data given at the tutorial).

For proper notification of the payment process, it is possible to configure the notification system to provide information on the status of the operation performed by the gateway, either via e-mail, request to URL in the background (independent of the response process to the service) or both, and in general by SMS.


The information contained in a standard notification e-mail is as follows:

A sale has been performed according to the following parameters:
Account identifier: 0gs265nc
Transaction type: Authorization (1)
Card issuing country: ES
Date and time of the transaction (yyyymmddhhmmss): 20101027110536
In the section (Terminals->"Terminal name"->IVR ) you will find the configuration options:
Order: 2010102711053676
Response: OK
Error ID: 0
Error description:
Authentication code: 802335/120098123810102711053606007000
Currency: EUR
Amount (Euros): 10.00
Amount (Origin): 1000
Product ID: 25
Extended Signature: 94f487ad8b57141d91fbc8fcda9e346cf17254bc
Secure Payment: 0
Scoring: 0
Card Brand: VISA
Serial Number: 00000200275
PAYCOMET ID: 122548686
DccCurrency: USD
DccCurrencyName: United States dollar
DccAmount: 7010
DccMarkup: 0.03
DccExchangeRate: 0.855931
Dcc Percentage over ECB exchange: -0.36

Request to URL

The notification parameters are passed to the target URL using the POST method according to the following table:

Var Type Description
MethodId Numerical Method identifier in PAYCOMET. Complete list.
MethodName Alphanumerical Method name in PAYCOMET
TransactionType Numerical Operation type
TransactionName Alphanumerical Operation Name
CardCountry Alphanumerical Card issuing country. May be left empty
BankDateTime Alphanumerical Date of operation
ClearanceDateTime Alphanumerical Transaction confirmation date
Order Alphanumerical Reference provided by business
Response Alphanumerical Final status of operation
ErrorID Numerical Error code. See Appendix
ErrorDescription Alphanumerical Text description of error (optional)
AuthCode Alphanumerical Authorization code returned by bank(optional)
Currency Alphanumerical Currency used in the operation
Amount Numerical Amount provided by business
AmountEur Numerical Amount in Euros
AccountCode Alphanumerical Customer code
TpvID Numerical Terminal number
Concept Alphanumerical Concept
IdUser Numerical Not in all notifications. value necessary to Tokenize
TokenUser Alphanumerical Not in all notifications. value necessary to Tokenize
SecurePayment Numerical The value will be 1 if the operation was run in secure mode. Value 0 when the transaction is processed in non-secure mode.
CardBrand Alphanumerical Card brand, if it was determined.
BicCode Alphanumerical Code of the bank through which the operation was performed, if it was determined.
Scoring Numerical Scoring calculated from the operación.
NotificationHash Alphanumerical Notification Extended Signature
CardType Alphanumerical Card type (Credit, debit, charge)
cardCategory Alphanumerical Category of card. If it can be identified, information on the category of card will be sent. Otherwise, the field will be returned blank.
sepaCard Numerical Card in SEPA country.
serialNumber Alphanumerical Physical POS serial number.
paycometId Numerical Unique identifier of the transaction.
xpayOrigin Alphanumerical XPAY Type (Apple Pay, Google Pay, Click to Pay).
DCC_Currency Alphanumerical Conversion currency ISO code.
DCC_CurrencyName Alphanumerical Conversion currency type name.
DCC_Amount Numerical Amount to convert.
DCC_Markup Numerical Profit/loss rate when converting.
DCC_ExchangeRate Numerical Exchange rate to apply.
DCC_EcbPercentage Numerical Percentage over ECB exchange.

The Extended Signature for verifying notifications (NotificationHash) will be calculated in the following manner:

NotificationHash = SHA512(AccountCode+TpvID+TransactionType+Order+Amount+Currency+md5(password)+BankDateTime+Response);

Operations Gateway

The notification can also be consulted through the call to the search_operations service, you can find more information in the section of operations Gateway.

Appendix I – Operation types

The operation types that will be notified are detailed in the following table:

ID Operation
1 Authorization
2 Refund
3 Preauthorization
4 Preauthorization cancellation
6 Preauthorization confirmation
9 Subscription
13 Defered Preauthorization Registration
14 Defered Preauthorization Confirmation
16 Defered Preauthorization Cancellation
30 Denial of SEPA Credit Transfer
106 Chargeback
107 Bankstore user registration
114 Charges to a user by reference
116 Withdrawal denial

Appendix II – Notification IPs

The notification of the operation is sent through the following IP addresses
