LaunchPad Gateway

The LaunchPad service allows sending emails and SMS with links to use the operations: execute_purchase, create_subscription y create_preauthorization

  1. Introduction
  2. Call to service execute_purchase
  3. Call to service create_subscription
  4. Call to service create_preauthorization


The technologies availabled for performing the operations are SOAP (based on XML) and REST (based on JSON format). Both permits consultation via protocol protected by firewalls and over the Internet.

This service has certain limitations of use and extra fees apply. To use LaunchPad Gateway, contact PAYCOMET

Due to the whole consultation process being performed in the background (from server to server) the modifications to be performed in the business are completely outside of the experience of the user.

The requests are made through the HTTPS transfer protocol in a manner that must ensure that the system is capable of performing the requests correctly and manage the security certificates returned by the platform for its proper use.

Call to service execute_purchase

Select the type of integration:

The details on this functions are explained in REST full documentation, available in this link

Variables required to send a link to perform an authorization are:

Element Content Description
MERCHANT_MERCHANTCODE [A-Za-z0-9]{1,8} Mandatory. Customer code
MERCHANT_TERMINAL [0-9]{1,5} Mandatory. Terminal number
MERCHANT_PRODUCTDESCRIPTION [a-zA-Z0-9]{125} Optional (send empty node to ignore param). Product description
MERCHANT_CURRENCY [EUR|USD|GBP|JPY] Mandatory. Operation currency. More information at CURRENCIES
MERCHANT_AMOUNT [0-9]{1,8} Mandatory. Operation amount in integer format. 1,00 EURO = 100, 4,50 EUROS = 450...
MERCHANT_ORDER [A-Za-z0-9]{1,20} Mandatory. Operation reference
MERCHANT_MERCHANTSIGNATURE [a-zA-Z0-9] Mandatory. See Signature calculation
MERCHANT_SCORING [0-100] Optional (send empty node to ignore param). Transaction risk scoring value. Between 0 and 100
JSON Optional (send empty node to ignore param). Customer authentication information. The more information you provide in this parameter, the more probable will be the authorization of the operation without requesting additional authentication. That's why it's recommended sending as much information as possible. See details
[LWV|TRA|MIT|COR|MOT] Optional (send empty node to ignore param). SECURE PAYMENT EXCEPTION TYPE. If not provided, PAYCOMET will try to assing the most suitable one, if possible. See details
[I|R|H|E|D|M|N|C] Conditional. Mandatory only if MIT exception has been set in the MERCHANT_SCA_EXCEPTION field. See details
SECURE [0-1]{1} Optional (send empty node to ignore param). Perform operation in secure (value 1) / non-secure (value 0). If not reported: non-secure.
LANGUAGE [A-Za-z0-9]{2} Mandatory. Payment environment language ("ES","EN","FR","DE","IT")
SMS_EMAIL [SMS|EMAIL] Mandatory. Set the payment link send method
TEMPLATE_ID [0-9]{1,5} Mandatory. Email or SMS template id to be sent. You can get it in the Control Panel
EMAIL_ADDRESS Conditional. Mandatory in sending method is EMAIL. Email address where link must be sent
EMAIL_NAME [A-Za-z0-9]{1,100} Conditional. Mandatory in sending method is EMAIL. Email recipient of the email address where link must be sent
SMS_PREFIX +[0-9]{1,5} Conditional. Mandatory in sending method is SMS. International mobile prefix where link must be sent
SMS_NUMBER [0-9]{1,12} Conditional. Mandatory in sending method is SMS. Mobile number where link must be sent
EXPIRY_DATE [0-9]{8} Optional. Link expiration date. Format YYYYMMDD.
EXPIRY_HOUR [0-9]{2} Optional. Link expiration hour. Format HH.
EXPIRY_MINUTE [0-9]{2} Optional. Link expiration minute. Format MM.

The response of the service to the request is analysed via the return of two data:

  • ERROR_ID will contain the integration error from the WEBSERVICE or will be 0 if successful.
  • ERROR_MESSAGE will contain the error description or will be "OK" if successful.

Signature calculation



Request message

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
			<MERCHANT_MERCHANTCODE xsi:type="xsd:string">********</MERCHANT_MERCHANTCODE>
			<MERCHANT_TERMINAL xsi:type="xsd:string">****</MERCHANT_TERMINAL>
			<MERCHANT_AMOUNT xsi:type="xsd:string">202</MERCHANT_AMOUNT>
			<MERCHANT_ORDER xsi:type="xsd:string">TEST - PAYTPV - 428092</MERCHANT_ORDER>
			<MERCHANT_MERCHANTSIGNATURE xsi:type="xsd:string">*******************************************</MERCHANT_MERCHANTSIGNATURE>
			<MERCHANT_SCORING xsi:type="xsd:string"></MERCHANT_SCORING>
			<MERCHANT_DATA xsi:type="xsd:string"></MERCHANT_DATA>
			<MERCHANT_TRX_TYPE xsi:type="xsd:string"></MERCHANT_TRX_TYPE>
			<SECURE xsi:type="xsd:int">0</SECURE>
			<LANGUAGE xsi:type="xsd:string">es</LANGUAGE>
			<SMS_EMAIL xsi:type="xsd:string">EMAIL</SMS_EMAIL>
			<TEMPLATE_ID xsi:type="xsd:int">423</TEMPLATE_ID>
			<EMAIL_ADDRESS xsi:type="xsd:string">********************</EMAIL_ADDRESS>
			<EMAIL_NAME xsi:type="xsd:string">****************</EMAIL_NAME>
			<SMS_PREFIX xsi:type="xsd:string"></SMS_PREFIX>
			<SMS_NUMBER xsi:type="xsd:string"></SMS_NUMBER>


Response message

	xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="">
			<ERROR_ID xsi:type="xsd:integer">0</ERROR_ID>
			<ERROR_MESSAGE xsi:type="xsd:string">0</ERROR_MESSAGE>

Call to service create_subscription

Select the type of integration:

The details on this functions are explained in REST full documentation, available in this link

Variables required to send a link to create a subscription are:

Element Content Description
MERCHANT_MERCHANTCODE [A-Za-z0-9]{1,8} Mandatory. Customer code
MERCHANT_TERMINAL [0-9]{1,5} Mandatory. Terminal number
MERCHANT_CURRENCY [EUR|USD|GBP|JPY] Mandatory. Operation currency. More information at CURRENCIES
MERCHANT_AMOUNT [0-9]{1,8} Mandatory. Operation amount in integer format. 1,00 EURO = 100, 4,50 EUROS = 450...
MERCHANT_ORDER [A-Za-z0-9]{1,20} Mandatory. Operation reference
MERCHANT_MERCHANTSIGNATURE [a-zA-Z0-9] Mandatory. See Signature calculation
MERCHANT_SCORING [0-100] Optional (send empty node to ignore param). Transaction risk scoring value. Between 0 and 100
JSON Optional (send empty node to ignore param). Customer authentication information. The more information you provide in this parameter, the more probable will be the authorization of the operation without requesting additional authentication. That's why it's recommended sending as much information as possible. See details
SUBSCRIPTION_STARTDATE [0-9]{8} Mandatory. Subscription start date yyyymmdd. IMPORTANT: Subscriptions are charged on the first run if this field has value it will be taken into account for future charges.
SUBSCRIPTION_ENDDATE [0-9]{8} Mandatory Subscription end date yyyymmdd
SUBSCRIPTION_PERIODICITY [0-9]{1-3} Mandatory Subscription periodicity in days. Maximum 365
SECURE [0-1]{1} Optional (send empty node to ignore param). Perform operation in secure (value 1) / non-secure (value 0). If not reported: non-secure.
LANGUAGE [A-Za-z0-9]{2} Mandatory. Payment environment language ("ES","EN","FR","DE","IT")
SMS_EMAIL [SMS|EMAIL] Mandatory. Set the payment link send method
TEMPLATE_ID [0-9]{1,5} Mandatory. Email or SMS template id to be sent. You can get it in the Control Panel
EMAIL_ADDRESS Conditional. Mandatory in sending method is EMAIL. Email address where link must be sent
EMAIL_NAME [A-Za-z0-9]{1,100} Conditional. Mandatory in sending method is EMAIL. Email recipient of the email address where link must be sent
SMS_PREFIX +[0-9]{1,5} Conditional. Mandatory in sending method is SMS. International mobile prefix where link must be sent
SMS_NUMBER [0-9]{1,12} Conditional. Mandatory in sending method is SMS. Mobile number where link must be sent
EXPIRY_DATE [0-9]{8} Optional. Link expiration date. Format YYYYMMDD.
EXPIRY_HOUR [0-9]{2} Optional. Link expiration hour. Format HH.
EXPIRY_MINUTE [0-9]{2} Optional. Link expiration minute. Format MM.

The response of the service to the request is analysed via the return of two data:

  • ERROR_ID will contain the integration error from the WEBSERVICE or will be 0 if successful.
  • ERROR_MESSAGE will contain the error description or will be "OK" if successful.

Signature calculation


Call to service create_preauthorization

Select the type of integration:

The details on this functions are explained in REST full documentation, available in this link

Variables required to send a link to perform a preauthorization are:

Element Content Description
MERCHANT_MERCHANTCODE [A-Za-z0-9]{1,8} Mandatory. Customer code
MERCHANT_TERMINAL [0-9]{1,5} Mandatory. Terminal number
MERCHANT_PRODUCTDESCRIPTION [a-zA-Z0-9]{125} Optional (send empty node to ignore param). Product description
MERCHANT_CURRENCY [EUR|USD|GBP|JPY] Mandatory. Operation currency. More information at CURRENCIES
MERCHANT_AMOUNT [0-9]{1,8} Mandatory. Operation amount in integer format. 1,00 EURO = 100, 4,50 EUROS = 450...
MERCHANT_ORDER [A-Za-z0-9]{1,20} Mandatory. Operation reference
MERCHANT_MERCHANTSIGNATURE [a-zA-Z0-9] Mandatory. See Signature calculation
MERCHANT_SCORING [0-100] Optional (send empty node to ignore param). Transaction risk scoring value. Between 0 and 100
JSON Optional (send empty node to ignore param). Customer authentication information. The more information you provide in this parameter, the more probable will be the authorization of the operation without requesting additional authentication. That's why it's recommended sending as much information as possible. See details
[LWV|TRA|MIT|COR|MOT] Optional (send empty node to ignore param). SECURE PAYMENT EXCEPTION TYPE. If not provided, PAYCOMET will try to assing the most suitable one, if possible. See details
[I|R|H|E|D|M|N|C] Conditional. Mandatory only if MIT exception has been set in the MERCHANT_SCA_EXCEPTION field. See details
SECURE [0-1]{1} Optional (send empty node to ignore param). Perform operation in secure (value 1) / non-secure (value 0). If not reported: non-secure.
LANGUAGE [A-Za-z0-9]{2} Mandatory. Payment environment language ("ES","EN","FR","DE","IT")
SMS_EMAIL [SMS|EMAIL] Mandatory. Set the payment link send method
TEMPLATE_ID [0-9]{1,5} Mandatory. Email or SMS template id to be sent. You can get it in the Control Panel
EMAIL_ADDRESS Conditional. Mandatory in sending method is EMAIL. Email address where link must be sent
EMAIL_NAME [A-Za-z0-9]{1,100} Conditional. Mandatory in sending method is EMAIL. Email recipient of the email address where link must be sent
SMS_PREFIX +[0-9]{1,5} Conditional. Mandatory in sending method is SMS. International mobile prefix where link must be sent
SMS_NUMBER [0-9]{1,12} Conditional. Mandatory in sending method is SMS. Mobile number where link must be sent
EXPIRY_DATE [0-9]{8} Optional. Link expiration date. Format YYYYMMDD.
EXPIRY_HOUR [0-9]{2} Optional. Link expiration hour. Format HH.
EXPIRY_MINUTE [0-9]{2} Optional. Link expiration minute. Format MM.

The response of the service to the request is analysed via the return of two data:

  • ERROR_ID will contain the integration error from the WEBSERVICE or will be 0 if successful.
  • ERROR_MESSAGE will contain the error description or will be "OK" if successful.

Signature calculation